If you are experiencing issues with resetting your password, downloading a file, or anything pertaining to your orders, please fill out the form below and I will be happy to help you as soon as possible. If you are having issues checking out, please note there have been some issues with PayPal which I cannot control. Make sure you have checked the Terms and Conditions on the check out page (screenshot below).

I typically respond within 24 hours of receiving your email. However, I cannot always respond immediately and it may take a full 24 hours. PLEASE DO NOT MESSAGE ME VIA FACEBOOK. If you don’t hear back within 24 hours, you may respond to the email you received regarding your submission and check for an update.

Please list heather@geminiredembroiderydesigns.com as a safe sender so that you will receive my response. If you don’t hear back within that time frame, please check your spam/junk folder.

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Below is a screenshot of the bottom of the checkout page. You must check the box for the Terms and Conditions before you can proceed with your payment.

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